I made the game called Develomare for the BlackThronProd (BTP) Game Jam #1 as I mentioned that in the previous post.

But how?

As you guys know that I am a fan of Unity Game Engine. Therefore, I watch the video tutorials on YouTube that are related to Unity Game Engine. A few months ago, I stumbled across a YouTube Channel called BlackThornProd. He makes awesome Unity tutorial videos.

One day, he decided to do a Game Jam and he posted a video about it. I watched it and decided to join the Game Jam. The theme was beautiful. It was “Game Development”.

It was a 7-day Game Jam. Unfortunately, I was one day late when I saw the video. So, I already had one less day to make the game. In other words, there was no ‘Day 1’.

Day 2 and 3:

I immediately opened Unity but when the empty text box asking for project name appears in front of me, I just couldn’t think of the game idea. It’s not like I don’t have ideas. The problem is that I have lots of ideas.

Recently, I watched some of the games made in Unity. One of them is Inside by Playdead. I really like the art style of the game and the overall gameplay. The game’s ending is something. No spoilers. Hehe.

I wanted to make a game like Inside. Of course, it is such a big deal to create such a game. I obviously couldn’t make a game like that in a mere 6 days. But I wanted to touch its art style and environment feel. I somehow wanted to bring it in my game. And I feel like it is possible.

I named the game, DreamScreen.

Now, I need 3D models. And I am just so bad at making them. I am still bad when it comes to modeling and stuff in Blender. Thanks to Unity’s Polybuilder, it seems a little bit possible.

I made the character model in pieces. For each piece, it is just a simple cube. All I did is change the position of an edge/2 vertices. Then, I put them in a sensible hierarchy in order to animate it.

It is not the best. But it seems okay to me. After all, it is made for the game that I have to complete in the next 5 days.

I made a very simple environment. Again used cubes only. Roof, walls, floor and some columns here and there. I added some square holes in the roof. Then, I set the directional light in such a way that the light passing through the holes in the roof, makes a pleasing angle. I added Unity’s Post Processing Stack (Version 1, not 2). With that, I added Bloom, set the Color Grading to ‘Filmic’ and tinkered around with Depth Of Field settings.

I want my lights to be volumetric. So, I added Aura – Volumetric Lighting from the Unity Asset Store, of course. But it didn’t work the way I want it to be. I settled with white square Sprites. The idea might seem odd but it looked way better than I expected it to be.


A shot during the game.

Now, I want my characters to have idle and walk animations. Thanks to my hierarchy setup, the animation seems easy and I did it pretty fine. The animation takes most of my time. There is no IK or anything like that. Unfortunately, I find it hard to fix the foot digging into the ground. But it was not that much noticeable. Programming the walk was a piece of cake. I added the step sound and the ambient sound as well.

Animating bunch of cubes to make it look like someone’s walking…

Then, I slept.

If you have already played Develomare, you might say that I am talking about some other game here. That is because there is some serious twist at the end of Day 4.

Stay tuned for the next post and take care!

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